Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A word starting with ש and ending with ל....

Two days of Rosh Hashana, a lot of time spent in shul, 4 sumptuous meals spent with family and friends, great conversation, fantastic company, and generally a wonderful experience spending Rosh-Hashana in Jerusalem. If Debra and Sandy ever think of opening restaurants, they'll certainly get rave reviews from us. We ate like kings (told you you were blog-worthy, didn't I ?).

Somewhere along the way we caught some bug....all five of us. Right now we are all suffering from...the mystery word of the title (I thought spelling it out would be kind of crass, and might give rise to uncontrolled scatological writing on my part, so I am being discreet - if you don't know what word I am referring to, you have never been to Israel).

We're moving our base of operations tomorrow to Tel-Aviv. Hopefully by then we will all feel better.

Gmar Chatima Tova.


At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something like שלשלת isn't it? :)
(At first I thought you were talking about the שול you spent so much time at).

BTW, this happens a lot when you first get to Israel and you're not used to the food here. Must be something in the water or the milk (or maybe it's Atkins punishing you :)

Hope you all feel better soon.

Gmar Chatima Tova!


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