Shabat Shuva - Bar Mitzvah
Too many emotions for words. So much happened in such a short time span. Dani certainly made us proud. His "layning" of his פרשה was exceptional, his דרשה and personal speech he delivered like a seasoned orator and his "layning" during מנחה was once again performed as if he had been doing this his entire life. The meals were sumptuous, the company fantastic, the רוח without equal.
There are way too many pictures to post on this blog. Over the coming few days I will be placing all the pictures and some of the speech texts online, on my own website, and I will provide links to it from this blog. At this moment everyone here is fast asleep. The dancing went on longer than we expected last night, and everyone needs their rest this morning. The hotel was nice enough to let us stay the day, so we will take advantage of the offer to spend some time by the pool and get our strengths back. Tomorrow Dani is giving an "encore" presentation of his "layning" prowess at the Kotel and we will then hold a brunch nearby at the "Cafe HaRova".
A special thanks to Aryeh for preparing Dani so well.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Previous Posts
- Getting ReadyTurns out there is a nation-wide bug ...
- In Tel-AvivOne by one everyone shook off what seem...
- After a night like the one we just went through, I...
- Mysteries old and newFinally a mystery solved. One...
- A word starting with ש and ending with ל....Two da...
- Last blog of the year "taf shin samech hey"Of cour...
- Erev chagWoke up at 6:00 am. Everyone fast asleep....
- Nice weather in Tel-Aviv today. We took care of th...
- OK, so we owe a few thanks so far and here goes: D...
- As soon as shabat was over it was clear that we ne...
.....and I thought Aaron dansiger deserves a credit for the leyning...
Mazal Tov & Gmar Chatimah Tovah!!!
Shavua Tov,
I wanted to be among the first to express heartfelt thanks to Beth and Jehuda for hosting what can only be described as a genuine "simcha" -
Shabbat with the Saar/Weiner clan was a celebration of family starring a young Bar Mitzva boy who set the tone with his contagious smile and warmth.
Rabbi Uncle Michael was correct - "exude is a marvelous word" - and Dani exuded confidence, poise, happiness and love.
Beth and Jehuda - it was "the affair to remember" (note to cinema fans); two thumbs up; an extraordinary event all of us will be remember long after the sushi (read popcorn) is gone: a buffet of precious moments no caterer could provide!
Chazak V''amatz---we can't wait for the sequel.
Uncle J
Beth & Jehuda (and all those who helped), thanks again for a wonderful Shabbat. Everything was perfectly and nicely organized, we could see that every little detail was thought of in advance.
The atmosphere/ambiance was great; you could feel the common joy of all family and friends in this simcha.
Dani, I wrote to you before Shabbat that I'm proud to be your uncle. Now after this Shabbat my pride grew only stronger. Your layning was excellent and your talents in giving a speech are flabbergasting. But above all, you are a real "mensh"!!!
Continue this way and we'll know we can expect only great things from you!
Lili & Rafi
Dear Beth , Jehuda, Dani, Eliana and Arielle,
Thank you very much for this nice shabath,we really enjoyed it. Although we were very busy (b"h) running/taking care after our kids,we really enjoyed celebrating all the family together.
To Dani,like everybody said,you were really excellent,sorry the present we bought you wasn't what you hoped for :)
C U all on smachot be"h.
Michal,Lior,Achiya & Tsofia
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